motorenrevisie Enginerebuilding motoren instandsetzung

BMW 1802 1.8 Touringcar (M10B18)

Quick Overview

Engine type: M10B18 - 118 - BMW 1.8
Construction Year: 1971-1975
Number of cylinders: 4
Bore ø: 89 mm
Engine content: 1766 CC
Compression ratio: 8,6 : 1
HP: 90


Fuel Petrol
Construction Year 1971-1975
Bore 89 x 71
Number of cylinders 4
Compression ratio 8,6 : 1
Engine content CC 1766
Engine type M10B18 (118) - BMW 1.8 1800
Car type BMW 1802 1.8 Touringcar Series (1.8) - BMW 1802 Touring (1.8)
HP 90
Various engine parts SW 99110087 - Distributieketting 94s duplex
Cylinder Liner MKL op aanvraag - 89mm - std
Piston MKP 91454603 - 89mm - std
Piston Rings MKPR GV 08-1329 - ø 89mm - 1.75 - 2.00 - 4.00 mm std
Piston Rings MKPR GV 08-1329 05 - 07 - ø 89mm - 1.75 - 2.00 - 4.00 mm 0,25 - 0,50
Piston Rings MKPR SM 890706 1000 - ø 89mm - 1.75 - 2.00 - 4.00 mm 1,00
Exhaust Valve MKEV TT 1198 - 34.90 x 8.00 x 104.30 mm std
Valve guide exhaust MKEG ME 01-0058 - 14.00 x 8.00 x 52.00 mm std (old bronze big)
Valve guide exhaust MKEG ME 01-1913 - 14.00 x 8.00 x 50.00 mm std (new bronze s)
Valve guide exhaust MKEG TT 81-1163 - 14.10 x 8.00 x 50.00 mm 0,10 (new bronze s)
Valve guide exhaust MKEG FM VAG96176 - 14.20 x 8.00 x 50.00 mm 0,20 (new bronze s)
Valve guide intake MKIG ME 01-0058 - 14.00 x 8.00 x 52.00 mm std (old bronze big)
Valve guide intake MKIG ME 01-1913 - 14.00 x 8.00 x 50.00 mm std (new bronze s)
Valve intake MKIV IV 1048 - 41.90 x 8.00 x 103.80 mm std
Various engine parts WB 12291 - Set cilinderkopbouten - M12 x 1.75 x 157.00 mm (10x)
Various engine parts AK 2014601 - Set cilinderkoptapeinden - 12 point Torx (High Performance)
Conrod Bearings MKCB KL 87801600 - std
Conrod Bearings MKCB KL 878016 10 20 40 - 0,25 - 0,50 - 1,00
Main Bearings MKMB KL 87800601 - std
Main Bearings MKMB KL 878006 11 21 31 - 0,25 - 0,50 - 1,00
Small end bearings MKSB KL 87295690 - std semi 89mm
Conversion Gasket EL 835.099 (top)
Conversion set EL 835.080
Crankshaft seal ring behind EL 702.994 - 90.00 x 110.00 x 12.00 mm std - PN NF 634 - 80.00 x 100.00 x 13.00 mm alt
Crankshaft seal ring front EL 587.044 - 35.00 x 55.00 x 12.00/9.00 mm std
Gasket various EL 774.928 - Klepdekselpakking
Headgasket MKHG EL 774.847 - std
Headgasket MKHG EL 774.855 - std (+0,30mm repair)
Head gasket set MKHS 02-24190-18 - std
Oil Pump FB 6675
Water Pump KW 50005019
Piston Pin Bushings MKSB KL 87295690 - std semi 89mm
Parts Components not found? Request at comments!
Operations Cylinderhead skimming
Operations Valveseat refacing
Operations Valve grinding
Operations Fitting new guides
Operations Place new hardened valve seats
Operations Cylinderhead testing for cracks
Operations Mounting / Assembly/ of valves
Operations Valves adjusting (non-hydraulic)
Operations Block skimming
Operations Cylinder drilling
Operations Placing new cylinders
Operations Block testing for cracks
Operations Crankshaft grinding
Operations Crankshaft balancing
Operations Crankshaft nitriding
Operations Small end bushing replacement conrod
Operations Connecting-rod check for straightness
Operations Checking groundbore connecting-rod
Operations Line boring engine
Operations Welding / crack repair
Operations Revision not found? Request at comments!
Operations Complete engine overhaul ( make an appointment )