Ford Taunus 12MEngine type: 12M
Construction Year: 1952-1962
Number of cylinders: 4
Bore ø: 63,5 mm
Engine content: 1173 CC
Compression ratio: 6,8 : 1
HP: 38
Parts and Operations
Ford Transit 1000Engine type: 12M
Construction Year: 1952-1962
Number of cylinders: 4
Bore ø: 63,5 mm
Engine content: 1173 CC
Compression ratio: 6,8 : 1
HP: 38
Parts and Operations
Ford Taunus 12M superEngine type: 12M (super)
Construction Year: 1954-1965
Number of cylinders: 4
Bore ø: 82 mm
Engine content: 1498 CC
Compression ratio: 7 : 1
HP: 55
Parts and Operations
Ford Transit 800 - 1000 - 1250Engine type: 12M (super)
Construction Year: 1954-1965
Number of cylinders: 4
Bore ø: 82 mm
Engine content: 1498 CC
Compression ratio: 7 : 1
HP: 55
Parts and Operations
Ford Transit 1500Engine type: 17M
Construction Year: 1957-1965
Number of cylinders: 4
Bore ø: 84 mm
Engine content: 1698 CC
Compression ratio: 7,2 : 1
HP: 60-65
Parts and Operations
Ford Taunus 17MEngine type: 17M
Construction Year: 1957-1965
Number of cylinders: 4
Bore ø: 84 mm
Engine content: 1698 CC
Compression ratio: 7,2 : 1
HP: 60-65
Parts and Operations
Ford Taunus 17MTSEngine type: 17MTS - P3T
Construction Year: 1962-1965
Number of cylinders: 4
Bore ø: 85,5 mm
Engine content: 1758 CC
Compression ratio: 8,6 : 1
HP: 70-75
Parts and Operations
Ford Taunus 12M P4 1200Engine type: 12M - P4 - R2
Construction Year: vanaf 1962
Number of cylinders: 4
Bore ø: 80 mm
Engine content: 1183 CC
Compression ratio: 7,8 : 1 - 8,2 : 1
HP: 40-42
Parts and Operations
Ford Transit 600Engine type: 12M - P4 - R2
Construction Year: vanaf 1962
Number of cylinders: 4
Bore ø: 80 mm
Engine content: 1183 CC
Compression ratio: 7,8 : 1 - 8,2 : 1
HP: 40-42
Parts and Operations
Ford Taunus 12M P6/3Engine type: 12M P6/3
Construction Year: vanaf 1964
Number of cylinders: 4
Bore ø: 84 mm
Engine content: 1305 CC
Compression ratio: 8,2 : 1
HP: 50
Parts and Operations
Ford Taunus 12M 1300Engine type: 12M 1300
Construction Year: vanaf: 1966
Number of cylinders: 4
Bore ø: 84 mm
Engine content: 1305 CC
Compression ratio: 8,2 : 1
HP: 50
Parts and Operations
Ford Transit 600 (R3)Engine type: R3, 12M
Construction Year: vanaf: 1967
Number of cylinders: 4
Bore ø: 84 mm
Engine content: 1305 CC
Compression ratio: 9 : 1
HP: 59
Parts and Operations
Ford Taunus 12MTS - 12M 1500Engine type: 12MTS
Construction Year: vanaf: 1963
Number of cylinders: 4
Bore ø: 90 mm
Engine content: 1498 CC
Compression ratio: 8 : 1
HP: 50-55-60
Parts and Operations
Ford Taunus 12MTS Coupé - 15M CoupéEngine type: 12MTS -15M
Construction Year: vanaf: 1964
Number of cylinders: 4
Bore ø: 90 mm
Engine content: 1498 CC
Compression ratio: 9 : 1
HP: 65
Parts and Operations
Ford Taunus 15MTS - 15MEngine type: 15MTS - 15M
Construction Year: vanaf: 1964
Number of cylinders: 4
Bore ø: 90 mm
Engine content: 1498 CC
Compression ratio: 8 : 1
HP: 50-55-60-65
Parts and Operations
Ford Taunus 17M - 17M P5Engine type: 17M - 17M P5
Construction Year: vanaf: 1967
Number of cylinders: 4
Bore ø: 90 mm
Engine content: 1498 CC
Compression ratio: 8 : 1
HP: 60
Parts and Operations
Ford Transit 900 - 1100 R5Engine type: 15M - R5
Construction Year: vanaf: 1964
Number of cylinders: 4
Bore ø: 90 mm
Engine content: 1498 CC
Compression ratio: 8 : 1
HP: 55
Parts and Operations
Ford Transit 1300 - 1500 - 1700Engine type: 17M
Construction Year: vanaf: 1964
Number of cylinders: 4
Bore ø: 90 mm
Engine content: 1699 CC
Compression ratio: 8 : 1
HP: 65
Parts and Operations
Ford Taunus 15MTSEngine type: 15MTS
Construction Year: vanaf: 1967
Number of cylinders: 4
Bore ø: 90 mm
Engine content: 1699 CC
Compression ratio: 9 : 1
HP: 70
Parts and Operations
Ford Taunus 17M - 17MTSEngine type: 17M - 17MTS
Construction Year: vanaf: 1964
Number of cylinders: 4
Bore ø: 90 mm
Engine content: 1699 CC
Compression ratio: 8 : 1 - 9 : 1
HP: 65 - 70
Parts and Operations
Ford Taunus 17M 1800 V6Engine type: 17M 1800
Construction Year: vanaf: 1968
Number of cylinders: 6
Bore ø: 80 mm
Engine content: 1797 CC
Compression ratio: 9 : 1
HP: 82
Parts and Operations
Ford Taunus 20MEngine type: 20M
Construction Year: vanaf: 1964
Number of cylinders: 6
Bore ø: 84 mm
Engine content: 1998 CC
Compression ratio: 8 : 1
HP: 85
Parts and Operations
Ford Taunus 20MTS - 2000SEngine type: 20MTS
Construction Year: vanaf: 1964
Number of cylinders: 6
Bore ø: 84 mm
Engine content: 1998 CC
Compression ratio: 9 : 1
HP: 90
Parts and Operations
Ford Taunus 20MTS 2000S en OSIEngine type: 20MTS 2000S
Construction Year: vanaf: 1967
Number of cylinders: 6
Bore ø: 84 mm
Engine content: 1998 CC
Compression ratio: 9 : 1
HP: 90
Parts and Operations
Ford Taunus 20M 2300 - 20MTSEngine type: 20M 2300 - 20MTS
Construction Year: vanaf: 1967
Number of cylinders: 6
Bore ø: 90 mm
Engine content: 2290 CC
Compression ratio: 9 : 1
HP: 108
Parts and Operations
Ford Taunus OSI 20MTS 2300SEngine type: 20M 2300 - 20MTS
Construction Year: vanaf: 1967
Number of cylinders: 6
Bore ø: 90 mm
Engine content: 2290 CC
Compression ratio: 9 : 1
HP: 108
Parts and Operations
Ford AngliaEngine type: 100E - 300E
Construction Year: 1953 - 1959
Number of cylinders: 4
Bore ø: 63,5 mm
Engine content: 1172 CC
Compression ratio: 6,8 : 1
HP: 38
Parts and Operations
Ford PrefectEngine type: 100E - 300E
Construction Year: 1953 - 1959
Number of cylinders: 4
Bore ø: 63,5 mm
Engine content: 1172 CC
Compression ratio: 6,8 : 1
HP: 38
Parts and Operations
Ford Escort CombiEngine type: 100E - 300E
Construction Year: 1953 - 1959
Number of cylinders: 4
Bore ø: 63,5 mm
Engine content: 1172 CC
Compression ratio: 6,8 : 1
HP: 38
Parts and Operations
Ford Escort CombiEngine type: 105E
Construction Year: vanaf: 1959
Number of cylinders: 4
Bore ø: 80,96 mm
Engine content: 997 CC
Compression ratio: 8,9 : 1
HP: 39
Parts and Operations
Ford Escort StationcarEngine type: 113E
Construction Year: vanaf: 1962
Number of cylinders: 4
Bore ø: 80,96 mm
Engine content: 1198 CC
Compression ratio: 8,7 : 1
HP: 48
Parts and Operations
Ford Consul CortinaEngine type: 113E
Construction Year: vanaf: 1962
Number of cylinders: 4
Bore ø: 80,96 mm
Engine content: 1198 CC
Compression ratio: 8,7 : 1
HP: 48
Parts and Operations
Ford AngliaEngine type: 105E
Construction Year: vanaf: 1959
Number of cylinders: 4
Bore ø: 80,96 mm
Engine content: 997 CC
Compression ratio: 8,9 : 1
HP: 39
Parts and Operations
Ford Consul Capri - ClassicEngine type: 109E
Construction Year: 1961 - 1962
Number of cylinders: 4
Bore ø: 80,96 mm
Engine content: 1340 CC
Compression ratio: 8,5 : 1
HP: 50
Parts and Operations
Ford CorsairEngine type: 120E
Construction Year: vanaf: 1963
Number of cylinders: 4
Bore ø: 80,96 mm
Engine content: 1498 CC
Compression ratio: 8,3 : 1
HP: 59,5 - 78
Parts and Operations
Ford Consul ClassicEngine type: 116E
Construction Year: vanaf: 1963
Number of cylinders: 4
Bore ø: 80,96 mm
Engine content: 1498 CC
Compression ratio: 8,3 : 1
HP: 59,5 - 78
Parts and Operations
Ford CortinaEngine type: 118E
Construction Year: vanaf: 1963
Number of cylinders: 4
Bore ø: 80,96 mm
Engine content: 1498 CC
Compression ratio: 8,3 : 1
HP: 59,5 - 78
Parts and Operations
Ford Cortina 1300Engine type: 2735E
Construction Year: vanaf: 1967
Number of cylinders: 4
Bore ø: 80,96 mm
Engine content: 1298 CC
Compression ratio: 9 : 1
HP: 54
Parts and Operations
Ford Cortina 1300GTEngine type: 2735E
Construction Year: vanaf: 1967
Number of cylinders: 4
Bore ø: 80,96 mm
Engine content: 1298 CC
Compression ratio: 9,2 : 1
HP: 64
Parts and Operations
Ford Cortina 1600 - 1600GTEngine type: 2737E
Construction Year: vanaf: 1967
Number of cylinders: 4
Bore ø: 80,96 mm
Engine content: 1598 CC
Compression ratio: 9 : 1
HP: 64 - 82
Parts and Operations
Ford Escort 1300 Super - 1300 GTEngine type: 2735E
Construction Year: vanaf: 1967
Number of cylinders: 4
Bore ø: 80,96 mm
Engine content: 1298 CC
Compression ratio: 9 : 1
HP: 54 -64
Parts and Operations
Ford Escort 1100 - 1100HCEngine type: 2733E
Construction Year: vanaf: 1967
Number of cylinders: 4
Bore ø: 80,96 mm
Engine content: 1098 CC
Compression ratio: 8,2 : 1 - 9,2 : 1
HP: 40 - 45
Parts and Operations
Ford Consul ( 375 )Engine type: 204E - 400E - 402E
Construction Year: vanaf: 1956
Number of cylinders: 4
Bore ø: 82,55 mm
Engine content: 1703 CC
Compression ratio: 7,8 : 1
HP: 61
Parts and Operations
Ford Zephir 4Engine type: 211E
Construction Year: vanaf: 1956
Number of cylinders: 4
Bore ø: 82,55 mm
Engine content: 1703 CC
Compression ratio: 8,5 : 1
HP: 68
Parts and Operations
Ford Zephir 6Engine type: 206E
Construction Year: vanaf: 1956
Number of cylinders: 6
Bore ø: 82,55 mm
Engine content: 2553 CC
Compression ratio: 7,8 : 1
HP: 90
Parts and Operations
Ford Zephir 6Engine type: 214E
Construction Year: vanaf: 1956
Number of cylinders: 6
Bore ø: 82,55 mm
Engine content: 2553 CC
Compression ratio: 8,5 : 1
HP: 98
Parts and Operations
Ford Zodiac 6Engine type: 214E
Construction Year: vanaf: 1956
Number of cylinders: 6
Bore ø: 82,55 mm
Engine content: 2553 CC
Compression ratio: 8,5 : 1
HP: 109
Parts and Operations
Ford Zodiac V6Engine type: 3012E
Construction Year: vanaf: 1966
Number of cylinders: V6
Bore ø: 93,66 mm
Engine content: 2994 CC
Compression ratio: 9 : 1
HP: 144
Parts and Operations
Ford Zodiac V6Engine type: 3008E
Construction Year: vanaf: 1966
Number of cylinders: V6
Bore ø: 93,66 mm
Engine content: 2495 CC
Compression ratio: 9 : 1
HP: 104
Parts and Operations
Ford Zephir Six V6Engine type: 3008E
Construction Year: vanaf: 1966
Number of cylinders: V6
Bore ø: 93,66 mm
Engine content: 2495 CC
Compression ratio: 9 : 1
HP: 118
Parts and Operations