Mercedes-Benz - Mercedes - Daimler-Benz
Mercedes-Benz 230 (M180)Engine type: M180
Construction Year: 1965-1968-1976
Number of cylinders: 6
Bore ø: 82mm
Engine content: 2290 CC
Compression ratio: 9 : 1
HP: 105/120
Parts and Operations
Mercedes-Benz 230S (M180)Engine type: M180
Construction Year: 1965-1968
Number of cylinders: 6
Bore ø: 82mm
Engine content: 2290 CC
Compression ratio: 9 : 1
HP: 105/120
Parts and Operations
Mercedes-Benz 230 (M127)Engine type: M127
Construction Year: 1965-1975
Number of cylinders: 6
Bore ø: 82mm
Engine content: 2290 CC
Compression ratio: 9,3 : 1
HP: 150
Parts and Operations
Mercedes-Benz 230S (M127)Engine type: M127
Construction Year: 1965-1975
Number of cylinders: 6
Bore ø: 82mm
Engine content: 2290 CC
Compression ratio: 9,3 : 1
HP: 150
Parts and Operations
Mercedes-Benz 230SL (M127)Engine type: M127
Construction Year: 1965-1975
Number of cylinders: 6
Bore ø: 82mm
Engine content: 2290 CC
Compression ratio: 9,3 : 1
HP: 150
Parts and Operations
Mercedes-Benz 230SL (M113)Engine type: M127
Construction Year: 1963-1967
Number of cylinders: 6
Bore ø: 82mm
Engine content: 2290 CC
Compression ratio: 9,3 : 1
HP: 150
Parts and Operations
Mercedes-Benz 170 seriesEngine type: M136 series
Construction Year: 1950-1955
Number of cylinders: 4
Bore ø: 75 mm
Engine content: 1767 CC
Compression ratio: 6,5 : 1
HP: 45
Parts and Operations
Mercedes-Benz 170VAEngine type: M136.923
Construction Year: 1950-1955
Number of cylinders: 4
Bore ø: 75 mm
Engine content: 1767 CC
Compression ratio: 6,5 : 1
HP: 45
Parts and Operations
Mercedes-Benz 170S - 170SBEngine type: M136.922
Construction Year: 1950-1955
Number of cylinders: 4
Bore ø: 75 mm
Engine content: 1767 CC
Compression ratio: 6,5 : 1
HP: 45
Parts and Operations
Mercedes-Benz 170SVEngine type: M136.926
Construction Year: 1950-1955
Number of cylinders: 4
Bore ø: 75 mm
Engine content: 1767 CC
Compression ratio: 6,5 : 1
HP: 45
Parts and Operations
Mercedes-Benz 180 (M136)Engine type: M136.925
Construction Year: 1953-1962
Number of cylinders: 4
Bore ø: 75 mm
Engine content: 1767 CC
Compression ratio: 6,7 : 1
HP: 52
Parts and Operations
Mercedes-Benz 180a - 180bEngine type: M121.923
Construction Year: 1955-1963
Number of cylinders: 4
Bore ø: 85 mm
Engine content: 1897 CC
Compression ratio: 6,8 : 1
HP: 65
Parts and Operations
Mercedes-Benz 180bEngine type: M121.923
Construction Year: 1955-1963
Number of cylinders: 4
Bore ø: 85 mm
Engine content: 1897 CC
Compression ratio: 7,5 : 1
HP: 75
Parts and Operations
Mercedes-Benz 180cEngine type: M121.927
Construction Year: 1960-1963
Number of cylinders: 4
Bore ø: 85 mm
Engine content: 1897 CC
Compression ratio: 7 : 1
HP: 68
Parts and Operations
Mercedes-Benz 190Engine type: M121.920
Construction Year: 1955-1963
Number of cylinders: 4
Bore ø: 85 mm
Engine content: 1897 CC
Compression ratio: 7,5 : 1
HP: 75
Parts and Operations
Mercedes-Benz 190bEngine type: M121.921
Construction Year: 1959-1963
Number of cylinders: 4
Bore ø: 85 mm
Engine content: 1897 CC
Compression ratio: 8,5 : 1
HP: 80
Parts and Operations
Mercedes-Benz 190cEngine type: M121.924
Construction Year: 1959-1963
Number of cylinders: 4
Bore ø: 85 mm
Engine content: 1897 CC
Compression ratio: 8,7 : 1
HP: 80
Parts and Operations
Mercedes-Benz 190SL (921)Engine type: M121.921
Construction Year: 1955-1963
Number of cylinders: 4
Bore ø: 85 mm
Engine content: 1897 CC
Compression ratio: 8,7 : 1
HP: 80-105
Parts and Operations
Mercedes-Benz 190SL (928)Engine type: M121.928
Construction Year: 1960-1963
Number of cylinders: 4
Bore ø: 85 mm
Engine content: 1897 CC
Compression ratio: 8,7 : 1
HP: 80-105
Parts and Operations
Mercedes-Benz 190SL seriesEngine type: M121.921 - M121.928
Construction Year: 1955-1963
Number of cylinders: 4
Bore ø: 85 mm
Engine content: 1897 CC
Compression ratio: 8,7 : 1
HP: 80-105
Parts and Operations
Mercedes-Benz 200 (M121)Engine type: M121.940
Construction Year: 1965-1968
Number of cylinders: 4
Bore ø: 87 mm
Engine content: 1988 CC
Compression ratio: 9 : 1
HP: 95
Parts and Operations
Mercedes-Benz 200 (M115)Engine type: M115.923
Construction Year: 1968-1976
Number of cylinders: 4
Bore ø: 87 mm
Engine content: 1988 CC
Compression ratio: 9 : 1
HP: 95
Parts and Operations
Mercedes-Benz 220 (M115)Engine type: M115.920
Construction Year: 1968-1976
Number of cylinders: 4
Bore ø: 87 mm
Engine content: 2197 CC
Compression ratio: 9 : 1
HP: 105
Parts and Operations
Mercedes-Benz 170D - DieselEngine type: OM636.915
Construction Year: 1949-1959
Number of cylinders: 4
Bore ø: 75 mm
Engine content: 1767 CC
Compression ratio: 19 : 1
HP: 43
Parts and Operations
Mercedes-Benz 170Da - 170Db - DieselEngine type: OM636.916
Construction Year: 1949-1959
Number of cylinders: 4
Bore ø: 75 mm
Engine content: 1767 CC
Compression ratio: 19 : 1
HP: 43
Parts and Operations
Mercedes-Benz 170DS - DieselEngine type: OM636.918
Construction Year: 1952-1959
Number of cylinders: 4
Bore ø: 75 mm
Engine content: 1767 CC
Compression ratio: 19 : 1
HP: 43
Parts and Operations
Mercedes-Benz 170SD - DieselEngine type: OM636.931
Construction Year: 1952-1959
Number of cylinders: 4
Bore ø: 75 mm
Engine content: 1767 CC
Compression ratio: 19 : 1
HP: 43
Parts and Operations
Mercedes-Benz 180D - 180Db - DieselEngine type: OM636.930
Construction Year: 1949-1959
Number of cylinders: 4
Bore ø: 75 mm
Engine content: 1767 CC
Compression ratio: 19 : 1
HP: 43
Parts and Operations
Mercedes-Benz 190D - 190Db - DieselEngine type: OM621.910
Construction Year: 1958-1961
Number of cylinders: 4
Bore ø: 85 mm
Engine content: 1897 CC
Compression ratio: 21 : 1
HP: 50
Parts and Operations
Mercedes-Benz 180Dc - DieselEngine type: OM621.914
Construction Year: 1961-1968
Number of cylinders: 4
Bore ø: 87 mm
Engine content: 1988 CC
Compression ratio: 21 : 1
HP: 55
Parts and Operations
Mercedes-Benz 190Dc - DieselEngine type: OM621.912
Construction Year: 1961-1968
Number of cylinders: 4
Bore ø: 87 mm
Engine content: 1988 CC
Compression ratio: 21 : 1
HP: 55
Parts and Operations
Mercedes-Benz 200Dc - DieselEngine type: OM621.918
Construction Year: 1965-1968
Number of cylinders: 4
Bore ø: 87 mm
Engine content: 1988 CC
Compression ratio: 21 : 1
HP: 55
Parts and Operations
Mercedes-Benz 200D - DieselEngine type: OM615.940
Construction Year: 1968-1976
Number of cylinders: 4
Bore ø: 87 mm
Engine content: 1988 CC
Compression ratio: 21 : 1
HP: 55
Parts and Operations
Mercedes-Benz 220D - DieselEngine type: OM615.941
Construction Year: 1968-1976
Number of cylinders: 4
Bore ø: 87 mm
Engine content: 2197 CC
Compression ratio: 21 : 1
HP: 60
Parts and Operations
Mercedes-Benz 220 (M180)Engine type: M180.920
Construction Year: 1951-1965
Number of cylinders: 6
Bore ø: 80 mm
Engine content: 2195 CC
Compression ratio: 6,5 : 1
HP: 80
Parts and Operations
Mercedes-Benz 220a (M180)Engine type: M180.921
Construction Year: 1951-1959
Number of cylinders: 6
Bore ø: 80 mm
Engine content: 2195 CC
Compression ratio: 7,6 : 1
HP: 80
Parts and Operations
Mercedes-Benz 219 (M180)Engine type: M180.921
Construction Year: 1955-1959
Number of cylinders: 6
Bore ø: 80 mm
Engine content: 2195 CC
Compression ratio: 6,5 : 1
HP: 80
Parts and Operations
Mercedes-Benz 220S (M180)Engine type: M180.924
Construction Year: 1956-1959
Number of cylinders: 6
Bore ø: 80 mm
Engine content: 2195 CC
Compression ratio: 7,6 : 1
HP: 80
Parts and Operations
Mercedes-Benz 220b (M180)Engine type: M180.940
Construction Year: 1959-1965
Number of cylinders: 6
Bore ø: 80 mm
Engine content: 2195 CC
Compression ratio: 8,7 : 1
HP: 95
Parts and Operations
Mercedes-Benz 220Sb (M180)Engine type: M180.941
Construction Year: 1959-1965
Number of cylinders: 6
Bore ø: 80 mm
Engine content: 2195 CC
Compression ratio: 8,7 : 1
HP: 95
Parts and Operations
Mercedes-Benz 220SE (M127)Engine type: M127.980
Construction Year: 1959-1965
Number of cylinders: 6
Bore ø: 80 mm
Engine content: 2195 CC
Compression ratio: 8,7 : 1
HP: 115
Parts and Operations
Mercedes-Benz 220SE - 220SEb (M127)Engine type: M127.980 - M127.984
Construction Year: 1959-1965
Number of cylinders: 6
Bore ø: 80 mm
Engine content: 2195 CC
Compression ratio: 8,7 : 1
HP: 115
Parts and Operations
Mercedes-Benz 250 - 250S (M108)Engine type: M108.920
Construction Year: 1965-1971
Number of cylinders: 6
Bore ø: 82 mm
Engine content: 2496 CC
Compression ratio: 9 : 1
HP: 130
Parts and Operations
Mercedes-Benz 250SE - 250SL (M129)Engine type: M129.980
Construction Year: 1965-1968
Number of cylinders: 6
Bore ø: 82 mm
Engine content: 2496 CC
Compression ratio: 9,3 : 1
HP: 150
Parts and Operations
Mercedes-Benz 250 - 250S (M114)Engine type: M114
Construction Year: 1968-1971
Number of cylinders: 6
Bore ø: 82 mm
Engine content: 2496 CC
Compression ratio: 9 : 1
HP: 130
Parts and Operations
Mercedes-Benz 280 - 280S (M130)Engine type: M130
Construction Year: 1968-1972
Number of cylinders: 6
Bore ø: 86,5 mm
Engine content: 2778 CC
Compression ratio: 9 : 1
HP: 140
Parts and Operations
Mercedes-Benz 280SE - 280SL (M130)Engine type: M130
Construction Year: 1968-1972
Number of cylinders: 6
Bore ø: 86,5 mm
Engine content: 2778 CC
Compression ratio: 9,5 : 1
HP: 170
Parts and Operations
Mercedes-Benz 300SE - 300SEL (M130)Engine type: M130
Construction Year: 1968-1971
Number of cylinders: 6
Bore ø: 86,5 mm
Engine content: 2778 CC
Compression ratio: 9,5 : 1
HP: 170
Parts and Operations
Mercedes-Benz 280SL - 280SEL (M130)Engine type: M130
Construction Year: 1968-1971
Number of cylinders: 6
Bore ø: 86,5 mm
Engine content: 2778 CC
Compression ratio: 9,5 : 1
HP: 170
Parts and Operations
Mercedes-Benz Unimog S404 (M130)Engine type: M130
Construction Year: 1965-1980
Number of cylinders: 6
Bore ø: 86,5 mm
Engine content: 2778 CC
Compression ratio: 9 : 1
HP: 140-170
Parts and Operations